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WEEK 17 : Wrapping It Up

Over the semester we learned so much about social media and I really got to see another side to it that I had never really been involved with. I have always used social media as a way to connect purely with friends and family and stay up to date with what is happening in everyone's lives. It was really eye-opening for me to see the business side of social media and what a huge advantage it can be to any business. My viewpoint on social media has definitely changed. I am currently going to school to earn a degree in marketing. I have always thought of myself as outgoing and have worked sales jobs in the past that really showcased my best qualities. I feel that my major really combines my strong points and I will eventually land in a career that I will love. That being said it was awesome to really get to see the social media marketing world.  Social media marketing is such a huge part of today's society, the online world is really taking over and everyone is jumping on ...
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Week 16

I found that twitter really surprised me with all of the options it offered for marketing and ads and I was also shocked at the prices being so high.  Overall I find that Instagram offers really reasonable advertisement options and a ton of insights. I will definitely implement all of the skills and strategies that we learned about this semester into my marketing strategies for future business endeavors. I think that what platform works best for you really depends on what you're looking for and who your audience is.  It seems to me that the more time a business puts into their marketing efforts and social media the more results they will receive. If you are are not putting any effort into your social media then you won't have the same results as someone who is dedicated to reaching a bigger audience.  Daily goals would be to make sure I am active in at least some way once a day. This could be through following other accounts, liking similar busin...


Google Analytics is a great tool for any business. They offer many features and different versions that you are able to choose from in order to get what works best for you. With this service, you have access to analytics intelligence, reporting on things such as audience, advertising, user flow and much more. Also included are data analysis and visualization, data collection and management, data activation and integration. They offer a free version or "360" that includes everything above. For my small business, I would definitely take advantage of the free version and all that it has to offer. The features I would utilize the most are the reports and data analysis so I could have a better understanding of my audience who I am reaching and how to improve these stats in a way that benefits my business growth.


Promotions on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram These are the various ad and promotional options on the three different social media platforms. In my previous blog post, I mentioned that I enjoyed the ads on Twitter as opposed to the other options and was really surprised that their advertising options were the most expensive of the three. On both Facebook and Instagram, you have a lot of customization options available to you. You are able to adjust what the ad does, who the audience is, how long the ad runs, and your budget! This is super great for business' that are just starting out.


There is such an abundance of advertising options that are available to business' that feels a little overwhelming. I personally do not love the in your face covering your screen in ads approach as I personally find this extremely annoying. Even if I am a fan of a brand or product but I am being berated with their ads and promos I will try to avoid it and start to get aggravated. This is why I think that the more subtle and inviting the better. It is extremely helpful that Facebook lets you select and market to such a specific demographic and with this being said I think that my business could benefit from a banner ad with a call to action such as "Take Control of Your Business and Let Us Help You Grow" If my business every created an interactive app I think that an app installation ad would be incredibly beneficial. The ease of use with this sort of call to action is important because by just clicking the ad you get redirected to the download which makes it so easy. Some...


Business's Similar to mine 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. When looking at the different types of advertising I enjoy twitters approach the most. When your scrolling through twitter you will see the occasional promotional post. I enjoy their approach more because it is very subtle and I am not instantly annoyed that another ad is popping up. I find the add techniques on Facebook overwhelming and abrasive. The ads never stop on this site an...