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After reading the information about emotional pieces I have come to the conclusion that for my specific blog and market that using emotional posts could be beneficial. For a social media marketing business, it seems that people are often trying to market themselves and their lifestyles. If incorporate emotional pieces into my blog it would likely bring customers in by appealing to their likes dislikes and showcasing things that they can relate to. It makes sense to use personal touches on blog posts when you are talking about something that is relatable. If you can make it so that readers are able to draw a personal connection to your post they will be more likely to continue to follow your posts. It is not a good time to use a personal connection or touch in a post if you are talking about something strictly business related.


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Week 16

I found that twitter really surprised me with all of the options it offered for marketing and ads and I was also shocked at the prices being so high.  Overall I find that Instagram offers really reasonable advertisement options and a ton of insights. I will definitely implement all of the skills and strategies that we learned about this semester into my marketing strategies for future business endeavors. I think that what platform works best for you really depends on what you're looking for and who your audience is.  It seems to me that the more time a business puts into their marketing efforts and social media the more results they will receive. If you are are not putting any effort into your social media then you won't have the same results as someone who is dedicated to reaching a bigger audience.  Daily goals would be to make sure I am active in at least some way once a day. This could be through following other accounts, liking similar busin...


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