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Showing posts from November, 2018


Promotions on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram These are the various ad and promotional options on the three different social media platforms. In my previous blog post, I mentioned that I enjoyed the ads on Twitter as opposed to the other options and was really surprised that their advertising options were the most expensive of the three. On both Facebook and Instagram, you have a lot of customization options available to you. You are able to adjust what the ad does, who the audience is, how long the ad runs, and your budget! This is super great for business' that are just starting out.


There is such an abundance of advertising options that are available to business' that feels a little overwhelming. I personally do not love the in your face covering your screen in ads approach as I personally find this extremely annoying. Even if I am a fan of a brand or product but I am being berated with their ads and promos I will try to avoid it and start to get aggravated. This is why I think that the more subtle and inviting the better. It is extremely helpful that Facebook lets you select and market to such a specific demographic and with this being said I think that my business could benefit from a banner ad with a call to action such as "Take Control of Your Business and Let Us Help You Grow" If my business every created an interactive app I think that an app installation ad would be incredibly beneficial. The ease of use with this sort of call to action is important because by just clicking the ad you get redirected to the download which makes it so easy. Some...


Business's Similar to mine 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. When looking at the different types of advertising I enjoy twitters approach the most. When your scrolling through twitter you will see the occasional promotional post. I enjoy their approach more because it is very subtle and I am not instantly annoyed that another ad is popping up. I find the add techniques on Facebook overwhelming and abrasive. The ads never stop on this site an...


Yelp: This is an incredibly important factor for any growing business. This site is a platform for people to post their unbiased reviews of a business. The business has zero control over what someone posts and nothing can be removed. If a business has rave reviews on yelp it says a lot about the quality of the business itself. Groupon: I think that this platform is interesting and has the potential to grow a business and reach new customers. Groupon can be great for a business that is just starting, they can offer some sort of first-time customer offer. For example, (10% off of your first consultation) This might encourage someone that is on the fence to move forward and try your service. If they like it they could potentially leave a Yelp review and also tell their family and friends about your business.


Of all of the tools talked about in this weeks lecture the two that stood out to me the most like something I could incorporate into my business. Yelp and Linkedin seem like they could be useful to me and my business. Linkedin will help me to make new connections with people in the same field as me, people looking to get into this field, and people who are "shopping" in this field. Yelp is a very important part of any business in today's society. There have been a countless number of times that I have chosen to either go to or avoid a business based solely on their Yelp reviews. As my business grows customers who have enjoyed and benefited from my business can share their thoughts with potential customers.


Email Marketing I think that email marketing is a super efficient way of communicating with your customers. With my social media marketing business, I believe that a newsletter would be really interesting for the people on my mailing list. In this newsletter, I could send out updates on some of our "success stories" tips and tricks that my customers can implement into the techniques they are currently using as well as maybe a discounted seminar. All of these things are great but personally, I don't love my email being crowded by the same brands emailing me about promotions what seems like multiple times a week. Keeping that in mind I would set out to have my newsletters go out every other week. Another reason for this is that I can really pack the interesting information into it which will hopefully get my readers excited and looking forward to receiving it.

WEEK 10 Extra Credit


After reading the information about emotional pieces I have come to the conclusion that for my specific blog and market that using emotional posts could be beneficial. For a social media marketing business, it seems that people are often trying to market themselves and their lifestyles. If incorporate emotional pieces into my blog it would likely bring customers in by appealing to their likes dislikes and showcasing things that they can relate to. It makes sense to use personal touches on blog posts when you are talking about something that is relatable. If you can make it so that readers are able to draw a personal connection to your post they will be more likely to continue to follow your posts. It is not a good time to use a personal connection or touch in a post if you are talking about something strictly business related.